Atlantic Hotel Hamburg

Travel map Hamburg

The Atlantic Hotel Hamburg:

The Atlantic Hotel

This is the famous Atlantic Hotel from Hamburg!!!

The Ballroom

This is the Ballroom where we had danced the hole evening

Inside of the Ballroom:

Kathy & Jens

That's the first picture of us inside!
Our table

Our table neighbours.
Our table

This was the first of three Tables for Nordhorn this evening!
Our table

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Our table

This was the second of three Tables for Nordhorn this evening!
Our table

This was the third Table for Nordhorn this evening!

In the red dress is Christina. She ist our dance teacher.

That's AW with his girl-friend. He's a dancing teacher as well!

Here we are dancing "Rumba"!!!


........"Slow Walzer"!!!


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(No statement)

(No statement)

(No statement)

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Atlantic Hotel-Bar:

Kathy & Jens

Sometimes Udo Lindenberg drinks his drink here! We did it, too!!! ;-)

Unfortunately he didn't appear.

Our table

Our table neighbours.

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