Wednesday, 16/07/2008

Admin News

Hi guys!

!!! The first pictures from London are online !!!

Check out what's going on: The first part of our London-tour is online.....the next 2 days are coming soon. Have a look around my website and you can find out a bit more about my life. Keep up with the latest stuff! :-)

:: Administrator ::

Wednesday, 02/07/2008

Admin News

Good evening!

!!! Pictures from the last Elton John Concert !!!

Look in the section "various trips". This are the first pictures from the concert. Maybe next week i will complemente the images....

:: Administrator ::

PARTY!!!   Monday, 23/06/2008    PARTY!!!

Admin News


Und hier noch die Wegbeschreibung zu meiner 30.Geburtstagsparty
am 13. September 2008. Einfach auf die Karte klicken und anschließend auf das PDF-Symbol!

Wegbeschreibung zur Party.pdf

Anmeldung bis zum 01.08.2008 unter: 0171-1491516 oder via email! Danke!

:: Administrator ::

Monday, 21/04/2008

Admin News

Good morning!

Finally, the pictures from London are online. Our Jobmann Dance-Group decided to spend four days in London. We flew from Germany "Düsseldorf-Weeze" to London Stanstad with Ryanair.

:: Administrator ::

Saturday, 26/12/2006

Admin News


I went this summer with two friends to Ibiza. After 2,5 hours flight we reached Ibiza and drove with a bus to our club "Punta Arabi". We had beautiful weather and a lot of fun! Enjoy the pictures.

:: Administrator ::

Saturday, 10/12/2005

Admin News

Good Afternoon!

This time we went with our dancing-school "Jobmann" to Hamburg. There we had the great opportunity to visit the Gala-Ball at the Atlantic Hotel. It was a very beautiful atmosphere. Everyone of the guests danced to Life-Music. Even if the beverages were very expensive, it made a quantity fun.

:: Administrator ::

Friday, 18/11/2005

Admin News


One more event under "Various-trips". is registered. With our clique we drove to Duisburg. There we visited the Disco "Delta". Thank you again to Ninja. Sie organized it that we were allowed to stay overnight in the Family-Hotel.

:: Administrator ::

Sunday, 13/11/2005

Admin News

Good morning!

The second event under "Various-trips". is registered. I visited the test track of the magnetic levitation transport system. Called Transrapid.

:: Administrator ::

Saturday, 17/10/2005

Admin News

Good evening!

Welcome to my homepage. My first event is Burger's Park in Arnheim. This zoo has a very large open area, where the animals may run around freely.

:: Administrator ::

Friday, 02/09/2005

Admin News


Today you will find a new menue update. The Switching surface is called "Various-trips". This section will be repeatedly updated.

:: Administrator ::